Ingrid Heyn is one of Australia’s most respected marriage celebrants, performing marriages for couples of a wonderful array of cultures, styles and backgrounds. She offers industry-standard service, performing marriage ceremonies in various languages as well as in English, guiding couples through the choices to make it a simple and easy-to-follow process, and focuses on providing the bride and groom with the information they need to choose the marriage ceremony that best suits them.
- Friendly professional assistance every step of the way
- Fast lodgement
- Simple or elaborate ceremony – it’s your choice
- Your ceremony can be performed anywhere in Australia.
- Your marriage will be legal and recognised anywhere in the world.
- A good array of ceremony venue suggestions is available (including some gorgeous free venues in Melbourne).
- Rescheduling if something goes wrong with your arrangements is not a problem (and in most cases, there’s no additional fee).
Ingrid is based in Melbourne, Australia – but if you’d like her to solemnise your marriage in another state, that’s no problem. You’ll simply have to pay travel costs in addition to her fee if requesting a ceremony performed in a state other than Melbourne, but Ingrid is always happy to suggest ways of keeping those costs to a minimum. Don’t hesitate to get in touch by email, phone, text message, WhatsApp, or Viber if you have a question or need some additional advice, or if you’d like to make a booking.